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Tooth discoloration : Treatments option to make your smile even better

Natural teeth or dental crowns shades may get discolored overtime due to plaque buildup from food and beverages consumption such as drinking coffee may cause teeth to be yellowish and dull also cigarette smoking can leave brown stains on the teeth. The consequences of these teeth discoloration are loss confidence while smiling or talking. In the patient with crown restoration and fix prosthodontics treatment the extrinsic stain can cause the dental appearance esthetic to be unharmonized.

Teeth discoloration can be treated with these procedures:

1. If the natural teeth have a darker color compared to dental crowns, the natural teeth will be bleached to change their color to be similar to the dental crowns. Dental bleaching can be done in many ways, such as:

  • Zoom Whitening: Bleaching gels act as catalysts with the help of LED lights emitted from the Zoom equipment to make the tooth surface look brighter. The bleaching process takes around 15 minutes. Then the bleaching gels are changed 3-4 times or more or less depending on the patient’s tooth sensitivity. If the patient starts to feel tooth sensitivity, the procedure may be stopped right away.
  • Home Bleaching: This tooth whitening procedure is carried out by oneself at home. Whitening gel is placed into a tray, whose shape is similar to the patient’s tooth shape. As an individualized

tool, the tray is then inserted into the mouth and the patient is required to slightly tap the tray. The period of wear is 6-8 hours. Home bleaching is a good alternative as it can be done by yourself at home.

2. Change dental crowns to be the same color as existing natural teeth

In case the dental crowns have a darker color compared to the natural teeth the crowns can be changed. The new crown should have the color that is the closet to the natural teeth.

However, if the color of the natural teeth is darker than the crowns, the natural teeth may be bleached and then the dental crowns will be replaced by new ones whose color is close to the bleached teeth.

There are various alternatives available for the bleaching of natural teeth or dental crowns. The best treatment method will be different in each person depending on the individual needs. To receive the most precise treatment that yields impressive results patients are recommended to see a dental specialist at Dentalis & Dental Implant Center.

Dr. Somsak Sukjaruwan
Cosmetic dentist

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