
of excellent dental care and remain committed for years to come.

Dental Implants Offer a Solution for Lost Teeth due to Gum Disease

Gum disease is caused by inflamed gums. Although in the initial stage the disease tends to cause only slight pain, it should not be left untreated as the disease may spread and finally lead to tooth loss. The gum inflammation is caused by plaque buildup. Patients who have gum disease and need to have teeth removed can stay worry-free as now there is one dental innovation that allows their lost teeth to be completely replaced. That innovation is dental implants, which resemble natural teeth. Dental implants are made from titanium which is biocompatible with the human body. For patients who have lost teeth due to gum disease, after the gum inflammation has been treated and put under control, dental implants are one choice of treatment that most dentists recommend to replace the lost teeth. 

Dr. Yodmongkol Sriarunothai
Dentist specializing in oral surgery 

For more information on dental implants, gum disease

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